

Nox Sensor

Basic Principle
The core element of the NOx sensor is a porous ZrO2 ceramic tube, which is a solid electrolyte with porous Pt electrodes sintered on both sides. When heated to a certain temperature, ZrO2 will produce a chemical reaction due to different O2 concentrations on both sides of the electrode. Charges will move on both sides of the electrode, and the moving charges will generate current. The concentration of NO and NO2 will be fed back to ECU or DCU through CAN signal according to the size of the generated current.
Main Function
NOx sensors are used to measure the concentration of NO and NO2 in vehicle exhaust, which is controlled by the closed loop of the ECU to meet the requirements of emission regulations
Technical Parameter
Technological advantage 
Based on extensive real road testing and verification, optimize the calibration of NOX sensors to ensure good accuracy and responsiveness in the real vehicle environment.
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